Actually...the first part should be possible.  Just set the user's shell 
to "/bin/false" so that they can't actually log into a shell.

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Ed Wilts wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 02:12:25AM -0500, Esperanza Glass wrote:
> > I wanna add restricted openssh/sftp user who could only use sftp protocol and 
>would not be allowed to ssh/gain shell access to my box. Additionally user shouldn't 
>be able to see other directories on the system than his own. How can I do this?
> The short answer is you can't.  There are some unsupported hacks that
> might help, but these can break anytime you do an ssh upgrade.  
> Do a Google search for "ssh chroot" and you'll find some hits that help.
> There are also quite a few discussions in the archives about this topic.

Mike Burger

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