Do an ifconfig -a to see what is there. Run netconfig to ensure you haven't set any arbitrary IRQ or MEM. Perhaps your driver is just messed up. In that case, simply get the source code for the driver of your card from the manufacturer's website and compile it directly in your kernel (I guess you have the kernel hdrs). Then do cp -f new_driver.o /lib/modules/2.4.X/kernel/drivers/. After that do insmod or modprobe to load the new module.

You can get excellent driver sources from There are some utility tools there like mii-diag and pci-config that you can use too.


 "Go, Jeffrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi bapi
I checked all your checklist..
yes...the driver exists in /lib/modules/kernel_version/kernel/drivers.
LSmod reveals the drivers is not loaded, whereupon I try to do a insmod and I get the error "No such device"...

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