Just a followup note closing the post.

I have successfully tested the following configuration in a very simple test 

#### hosts file #### localhost test test2

#### httpd.conf ####

ServerName localhost
Listen 80
NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>
        #inherit ServerName
     ServerAlias test test2
     RewriteEngine on
     RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !localhost
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost$1 [R=permanent]
     RewriteLog /usr/local/apache/logs/rewrite_log
     RewriteLogLevel 0

This reaches my desired result. The most efficent? I do not know. 

*I still do not know if this could have been accomplished with mod_alias. Anyone? 

Warmest Regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stone, Timothy 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 2:15 PM
> To: Redhat-List (E-mail)
> Subject: seeking feedback on config + mod_rewrite v. mod_alias ?
> List,
> *This is a cross post from Apache-HTTPD-Users but has just 
> enough RedHat server relavance that a reader here might be 
> able to comment and offer suggestions.*
> Thanks in advance for any comments and suggestions offered.
> Here's my scenario:
> I have two (2) machines listening on IPs in the following manner:
> www0 - x.x.x.2
>        x.x.x.4
> www1 - x.x.x.1
>        x.x.x.3
> DNS is configured for round-robin load sharing as follows:
> www.primaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.1
> www.primaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.2
> www.primaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.3
> www.primaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.4
> www.secondaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.1
> www.secondaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.2
> www.secondaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.3
> www.secondaryName.com. IN A x.x.x.4
> ...repeat 3x more for other domains ...
> Each machine is running Apache 2.0.43:
> ServerName www.primaryName.com:80
> A single vhost is configured as follows:
> #NameVirtualHost *
> <VirtualHost x.x.x.N>
>     # N is equal to the second IP address of the machine.
>     # so for www0, N = 4.
>     #inherit from global config
>     ErrorLog logs/error_xN.log
> </VirtualHost>
> To complete this setup, I want all of the answering domain 
> names to display in the client as "http://www.primaryName.com";
> I'm intending to accomplish this in the global configuration with:
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule ^(.+)$ http://www.primaryName.com/$1 [R=permanent]
> As I understand it this should work, but I have not tested it 
> in production. This RewriteRule should inherit to the vhost 
> as well, correct? And would it be better to use a negated rule...
> RewriteRule ^!(http://www.primaryName.com) 
http://www.primaryName.com/$1 [R=permanent]

N.B. In rewriting this post I'm seeing something I did not before. The machine will 
answer on the IPs it's configured to listen to regardless of the vhost I have defined. 
I believe my original intention of the vhost was to separate the log files out for 
reporting purposes, but have since merged all of the access_logs. I think merging the 
error_logs might be in order as well.

It seems that I want to define a vhost that looks something like:

#Uncomment NVH and listen on all IPs
NameVirtualHost *

#This vhost listens by default
<VirtualHost *>
    #inherit from global config
    ServerAlias www.secondaryName0.com www.secondaryName1.com
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule RewriteRule ^(.+)$ http://www.primaryName.com/$1 [R=permanent]
    RewriteLog /path/to/log/file
    #temporarily set verbose logging
    RewriteLogLevel 3

Finally, I'm on the fence with using mod_rewrite because of perceived, and documented, 
overhead. I think it best fits my scenario. However, I'm thinking that mod-alias might 
also work. I'm seeking feedback so... can mod_alias do this without the overhead?

Looking forward to hearing from the experiences of others. Thanks in advance for all 
suggestions and comments.

Warmest Regards,

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