On Thursday 23 January 2003 1:43 pm, Peter Kiem wrote:
> HI Dave,
> > there's a really common cgi script called formail.cgi/formail.pl that is
> > routinely exploited to relay mail, that maybe what they're checking
> > for... (look in your error logs for an attempt at formail)
> Yes I do run FormMail.pl but AFAIK it is a secure version and I have
> tested it myself.
> But THAT should be using the local sendmail binary to send mail and that
> is what I see in my Postfix logs when someone uses it.
> So no, that isn't it...

you're right, it isn't. I didn't read your post close enough (then again, I 
didn't even think about the apache proxy to relay mail)

I have a feeling Gordon Messmer hit it right on the nose.. (see his post)


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