Kyle Moore wrote:
> I know this really isn't the place for this and that's why I would
> appreciate private replies.  I don't know anyone that uses Linux.  Right
> now I use Win95 and NT 4.0 (I have installed and used Linux a bit) but I am
> buying a new computer and will be putting Linus on as the main OS.  I have
> been learning about Linux for the last several months so I do know a bit.

Oh by the way, if you're buying a computer that's destined for Linux,
have you double-checked with the Linux hardware compatibility guide? 
What about considering one of the "Linux-friendly" manufacturers?  I've
given myself no end of grief over the years trying to force-feed an OS
into hardware that it didn't like.

Just a thought.  I rarely get to order a new computer, and I've never
ordered one specifically for Linux, but I can think of the trouble that
a preconfig system would save.

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