Gabriel, I think you've hit it on the head.
The difference between MS and Linux security
rests on only a few fundamental points, mostly
having to do with SysAdmin competence and 
historical bias.

1) In general, Microsoft's products are "easier"
to use (and I use "easier" in brackets because
it's not totally true, but it IS the perception).
They work "out of the box" (sometimes) with little
or no configuration required; a trained monkey
can put it together (and by the looks of things,
quite a lot of them do).  Linux, coming from it's
Unix CLI roots, requires (sometimes) arcane
settings to setup; it SOMETIMES works "out of the
box" but a small bit of intelligence not required
for windows is required.  The best analogy is
Microsoft gives the user a fish and says "Go, eat!"
while Linux (in a true sense) gives the man a
fishing pole with the fish already on it, tells
him to reel it in, and then eat it.  Hopefully along
the way, while the man is eating the fish, he'll
ponder "How did that fish get on the line, and how
do I get more fish on my line for tomorrow?" which
will end up being in Man pages, FAQs, or some other
documentation.  Hardcore Linux folks realize that
the next step is for the man to self teach himself
to fish completely.  For those who don't know the
old truism I based the allegory on, it goes "If
you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day.  If you
teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime.  If
you take a man fishing with you, you'll have a drinking
buddy."  Oh, wait, the last is just an American
addition to the old saying :)

2) Linux being Open Source, there's an "embarrassment"
factor associated with any security issues or bugs; 
let's face it, we're all vain and like to think our
code is bullet proof, but when you have 500 people 
who closely pour over your code (and that's about
what most projects end up getting, in the end), you
want your code to sparkle.  Therefore, there's a 
Darwinian "Survival of the fittest" going on.  Microsoft,
on the other hand, has discrete review groups to 
review their code; they look only for functionality,
with maybe some minor other issues (like, say, security,
at least until the last year), and then ok the code
via committee; the old "A camel is a horse designed
by committee" bit.  In general, then, Microsoft
is REACTIVE to security issues, whereas Open Source
STRIVES (but doesn't always succeed) to be PROACTIVE
about security; Microsoft closes the barn door, whereas
Open Source sees a spot on the wall that needs reinforcing.

Neither is inherently BETTER for all things; Security
through Obscurity IS probably a good idea in a few 
select cases (anyone want to publish Bank PINs generation
codes in Open Source?), while in MANY cases, the
many eyes approach works well too.

3) Linux isn't >INHERENTLY< more secure than a closed
source OS (I'm leaving out MS software because Linux
IS more inherently secure, because Unix was long ago
rewritten for security, while Windows had it grafted
on with NT, and has never had the top up redesign
needed to start with a secure foundation).  Linux
is more secure because the administrators are more
interested in KEEPING it secure.  If Linux ever gets
to the point that Windows is in now, where every
Grandma, Grandpa, and baby brother has their own
machine, even though WE, here, on this list, may
be relatively secure, most of the machines >WON'T<
be.  Many, many folks still run Windows 95; even more,
many of those same folks don't have the vaguest clue
that they need to run Windows Update (or needed to,
they can't do it now....).  Now, imagine folks
who have a similarly old, unpatched Redhat 
system; what would that be, RH 2.0 or so?  How secure
is THAT?  But nobody runs something that old; the
oldest I've heard on this list in a while was 5.2,
which is only 4 years old, on par with Windows98SE.
No one hear would recommend connecting an unpatched
RH5.2 box to the Internet; no one here would recommend
a Windows98SE box being connected unpatched, either.

Anyway, that's my $0.02.  And for anyone who read this
far, thanks!

Bill Ward

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:33 AM
> Subject: Re: u.s. government recognizes Linux as official desktop OS
> On January 28, 2003 07:42 am, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> > 1) MS software is nororiously insecure and is largely
> >   responsible for the insecurity of the current IT
> >   infrastructure, or
> now i'm not a fan of micros~1, but i feel that i have to 
> check this statement 
> for accuracy.  in cases like "the sql slammer" the one at 
> fault is definately 
> not the author of the software, but rather the halfwit who's 
> running it 
> unpatched.  as i understand it, micros~1 had released a patch 
> for mssql 
> months ago, and this virus is only attacking the boxes that 
> have yet to be 
> patched.
> just think about what the internet would be like if there 
> were millions of 
> linux users running 3year-old versions of apache & mysql...  
> i would propose 
> that it's not just microsoft's inability (or unwillingness) 
> to get their sh*t 
> together, but also the ineptitude of these "sysadmins" that 
> insist on running 
> this software and don't know (or don't care to know) how to 
> patch it...

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