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On Wednesday 29 January 2003 01:22 pm, Tom Kovalcik wrote:
> Dumb question coming up:
> When I upgraded from RH 7.3 to 8.0 my man pages disapeared. Inside
> /usr/man I have a man1 directory (and nothing else) and the man1
> directory has 2 files which came from a program I installed after I
> installed 8.0. How can I get them back? The man command does work, just
> returns "No manual entry for ls". There are man directories for
> X11R6/man, but I do not seem to be pointing to them. Is there a MANPATH
> variable like on Solaris that needs to be set?  The man and manpages
> rpm's from the CDs are installed.
> To sum it up how can I get man pages back and how do I point to them?

Individual manpages are most often installed as part of the package they 
describe. That said, Red Hat packages will dump the man pages in 

man will search in paths defined in /etc/man.config and you can specify 
paths on the command line with -M /path/to/man/directory

I'd guess something has gone missing in /etc/man.config.

Hope that helps,
- -- 
- -Michael

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