Toto Gamez said:
> thanks all for the reply,
> i cheked and there's no sendmail-cf installed, Im using RH7.0 my
> sendmail version is sendmail-8.11.0-8 that comes with the cd. but i dont
> have the rh7.0 installation cd, is it okey to use the sendmail-cf that
> comes from rh7.2 installation (sendmail-cf-8.11.6-3) or do i really need
> to get the same version as with sendmail that i use

An idea...go to redhat and download the latest sendmail rpm.  Apply it,
and you'll get a sendmail-cf file.  A thought...RH doesn't always put the
config files (like sendmail-cf) where the original package authors say
they are.


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