On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Mark Neidorff wrote:

> Well, this should be dead easy...and I've read the man & info pages, but I
> still get this problem:
> I'm upgrading from 6.2 to 7.3.  I have both installed and running on
> separate HDDs on this computer.  I want to copy all of each user's files
> from the old system to the new.  I have the new drive's home directory
> mounted as /mnt/new.  So, I want to
> cp /home/user/<all files and folders> /mnt/new/user
> I used this command from either the /home directory or from the
> /home/user directory:
> #cp -rvp /home/user/.* /mnt/new/user
> and what happens is below /mnt/new/user I get all of the files (and
> sub-directories)being copied from the /home directory.
> Now I know that I'll have to run cp again to get the files that are not
> "dot" files, but that's not the issue.  The problem is that I get all of
> the other user's files on the system being cp'ed into /mnt/new/user.

The filespec ".*" includes "." (current directory) and ".." (parent
directory).  If you don't want these (and the files below them, since you
use the "-r" option), use ".??*".  You might still miss files of the form
".a", etc., but none of the usual config files have that form.  You can
check for them with "ls -ld .?".

> Help, please!
> Mark

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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