Ted Gervais wrote:
Wondering if I am typing something wrong here.

When I enter ' export DISPLAY= ' followed by /usr/sbin/netscape (on the next line), all I get is:

Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

Will this not work in RH8. That is what I am using and this used to work before (not RH8) and was wondering if maybe I need to change the numbers.

What I am tryiing to do is 'remotely' open up netscape in another system.
This means that I go in using telnet or ssh and than (as root) enter the above two lines. I should see Netscape but I don't ..

Any thoughts??
Yep: You probably need to execute xhost on your local machine to allow remote machines to access your X desktop. Eg. to allow all remote machines to access your desktop, just use 'xhost +' (and now we'll a load of mails telling you NOT to allow everybody access etc... ;)

You can get this problem in two situations:

1. If you use X on your workstation (this is the 'local' machine) and eg. telnet to another machine ('remote') to execute an X application there; this seems to be what you're doing.

2. If you open an xterm and su to another local user ID - this is like if somebody logged on to your workstation over the net and wanted to display an X application on your display. This is possible, but not allowed by default.


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