5-7 turns... 

take a ferrite core ( they come in all shapes and sizes,
the ones that look like a doughnut are the ones I use) and
wrap the power cable tightly around the core 5-7 times (do not
overlap the cable. Each turn must be against the ferrite). This
makes an inductive coil with a section of the power cable. The ferrite
in the center of the coil will remove most unwanted 
interference from the line. 

These ferrite cores are relatively cheap and can be found
at most electronics shops (Radio Shack etc.)

A good link (but deals more with TV Interference) can be quite 
helpful with a number if interference problems.


The link will cover a lot of topics so get a good cup of coffee.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: Monitor Shakes....


>>>>> "Doug" == Doug Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Doug> If you have a high voltage line over the house you may want
    Doug> to consider harnessing that energy by (aaaah, nevermind that
    Doug> thought is illegal anyway)

Nah, this is NYC.  I do have an above-ground cable behind the house,
but most of the power and signal wires around here are all buried.  I
don't *think* there's anything under my house here in Brooklyn...

    [...use a ferrite core on the AC line, too...]
    Doug> (5-7 tightly wrapped turns around a medium size ferrite core
    Doug> will get rid of any signals on the power line you have
    Doug> coming through).

5--7 turns of what? 

    Doug> As for the UPS, try running on the UPS and kicking the main
    Doug> breaker off in the house and see if it goes away. These are
    Doug> really fun to find.

This is also on the to-do list.  I just have to wait until the kids
are asleep and have time to go around resetting all the clocks....

- -- 
                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            6818 Madeline Court
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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