On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 16:29, Stone, Timothy wrote:
> Robert,
> I'm trying your suggestion, but I'm not familiar with what is implied between the 
> * replace the link with a script to call apachectl instead. before it
> calls apachectl, dump your environment to a temporary file, and after
> you've called apachectl, print out its exit status (see the top of the
> apachectl script for what the different return codes mean.)
> My script looks like this:
> #!/bin/sh
> # dump env to tmp
> printenv > /tmp/env.tmp
> # do I need to pass an arg?
> /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl
> # print exit status
> # how?
> # end


printenv >/tmp/env.tmp
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl "$@" # pass our arguments on to apache
echo apachectl exited with status $?

note that there's a very slight security risk if you leave the "printenv
>/tmp/env.tmp" line in-place longer than you need it.

> Okay... I thought I would drop this in /usr/local/bin. Sound right?

the "standard" place on a red hat box would be /etc/rc.d/init.d but
small site-specific customisations like these can be dropped wherever's
most convenient for you, really (if it were my box, it would probably be
called /usr/local/something/or/other/init.apachectl but that's just
matter of taste.)

obviously you will need links to it from  /etc/rc?.d/rc?.d/S??apache
(instead of your existing links.)

> Thanks for the help and further suggestions.

did i gather from your other mail that you've cracked the problem?


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