
> to  unsubscribe, but somehow your address got into his header and the
> rejection  from the redhat-list server went to you.

No, it never came from Red Hat.  The mail headers show this path...

jkinz@localhost -> redline.kinz.org[]
                -> sccrmhc01.attbi.com[]
                -> mail.iinet.net.au (mailbox [EMAIL PROTECTED]?)
                -> server.localdomain (via POP3)
                -> edward@localhost

| Peter Kiem            .^.   | E-Mail    : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Zordah IT             /V\   | Mobile    : +61 0414 724 766    |
|   IT Consultancy &  /(   )\ | WWW       : www.zordah.net      |
|   Internet Hosting   ^^-^^  | ICQ       : "Zordah" 866661     |
       My current spamtrap address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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