I've been wondering about this forever --

I have a tiny (hubbed) home network, with one box (RH7.3) acting as
server and NAT box for the rest, including one Win98 machine. The RH and
Win98 machines are also connected via an OmniCube KVM switch.

Every time I reboot the Win98 box, the speed at which the cursor moves
in a given Gnome terminal on the RH slows dramatically (e.g. while
scrolling through indexes in Mutt or while using the 'jkhl' keys in
Vim). I can "fix" it by logging out of my X session and rerunning
'startx', usually, though sometimes I have to do it more than once.

What could be causing this? And can it be cured?



...all that has pass'd on the one side, and the other, as well before as
during the War, in Words, Writings, and Outrageous Actions, in Violences,
Hostilitys, Damages and Expences, without any respect to Persons or
Things, shall be entirely abolish'd in such a manner that all that might
be demanded of, or pretended to, by each other on that behalf, shall be
bury'd in eternal Oblivion.
 -- Treaty of Westphalia, 1648

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