I updated from Slackware, because updating it was a pain. But now that I
have this RedHat 8.0 thing installed, my system is slower than a
two-legged tortoise. I've got a dual-pentium 800Mz with 512MB RAM. The KDE
used to fly under Slack. Now, what's happened?

I also installed RH 8.0 on my Laptop, and now I'm ready to throw the thing
away. It's a DELL Inspiron 7000 350Mx 128MB RAM, and used to be my best
machine before I bought the Dual-P desktop. Also, now, X, seems to lock-up
sometimes when I close it (ala Microsoft). Underslack, the save-to-disk 
worked fine if I left it in the bag long enough for the battery to where 
down. No chance of that happening anymore, It just dies.

Is there some RH configuration thingy I'm missing? Or just chaulk it up to
overloaded linuxes?

I am running the SMP version of the lastest kernel.
It's sooooo slow.
Any clues?

Thinking of heading back to slack, especially before I pay $40 for the RHN 


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