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On Wednesday 05 March 2003 10:03 pm, Mirabella, Mathew J wrote:
> ah ok well i have seem the contents of /boot and yes there are files
> called vmlinux-2.4.18-14
> and
> vmlinux-2.4.18-24.8.0
> things do look ok.
> but in another post to this list i mentioned that when visiting
> /lib/modules/
> i saw dirs called
>       linux-2.4.18-14/
>       linux-2.4.18-24.8.0/
> in the 2.4.18-14 one there was a sym link called build, linked to
> /urr/src/linux-2.4.18-14/

> but in the    /lib/modules/linux-2.4.18-24.8.0 , there was a build sym
> link that was broken. i.e. no target on investigating /usr/src i found
>       linux-2.4.18-14/
>       redhat/
>       linux-2.4 (some kind of symlink)
> but no dir for        linux-2.4.18-24.8.0

You haven't installed the kernel-source package for the 2.4.18-24 kernel.
The broken link points to where the source should be. The broken link 
isn't a problem, it's used when building kernel modules against the 
current kernel source.

> i do not think the source was built, and so the build sym link was
> created broken. some replies to my post suggested installing the i386
> version of the kernel source (rather than the SRPMs version).  on
> trying this, i still get no dir linux-2.4.18-24.8.0/ being created in
> /usr/src

If you install kernel-source-2.4.18-24.8.0.i386.rpm, the files will be 
installed in /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-24.8.0. /usr/src/linux-2.4 will point 
to that directory.
Try 'rpm -ivh kernel-source-2.4.18-24.8.0.i386.rpm'
Then 'rpm -q kernel-source'

> anyway could this grubby error thing when installing the actual kernel
> be a cause of some difficulties in other things not being placed
> properly?  and could this be the cause of the lilo dirty buffer error?

See my other post on the dirty buffer, it appears to be a non issue. 

As for the template error, had you already modified your lilo.config file 
when you (re) installed the most recent kernel?

- -- 
- -Michael

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