On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 08:27:37AM -0700, Eric Sisler wrote:
> > Postfix isn't a redhat product, hence they don't always have the latest stuff
> > in their RPMS's. They may not even keep it in the distribution since
> > its serving only a fraction of the MTA service market.
> Technically speaking, sendmail isn't a redhat "product" either, they
> just package it for their distribution.  There's a postfix RPM on my 8.0
> CDs so hopefully RedHat will continue to include it in their
> distribution.  

Absolutely true and they pretty much treat both sendmail and postfix
the same way.  If Postfix had a security issue like sendmail just had,
I think RedHat would have updated and posted RPM's for Postfix just like
they did for sendmail.  Most of what RedHat releases is not their product.
Their value-add to Linux is to have a  stable. tested and supported
version of Linux.  This goal makes keeping the latest stuff integrated
with their rpms very difficult.

I was just at a RedHat presentation at Boston University the other day
where the RH guys talked about the fact that they had lengthened their
release cycle from six months to 12-18 months to keep their corporate
customers, like Oracle happier. Apparently RH was releasing too quickly
for Oracle to keep up with certifying RH release to run Oracle.  Please
note - The longer release cycle applies to RedHat advanced server and
may not affect the personal and professional level products. (Not clear
to me yet anyway.)

>  and after all Linux is about freedom of choice (among other things).
Yer' dang tootin'!   

(now try to convince one certain individual over on the 
RedHat open source now list of that.... :-) )

Jeff Kinz, Open-PC, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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