On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 05:36:53PM +0100, Bart SCHELSTRAETE wrote:
> Jeff Kinz wrote:
> >Hi Hendra, i think Bart miss-read your question.  I think his advice
> >works very well for "NFA" (Network File Systems) but won't
> >work for "NTFS" file systems.
> >
> Hello Jeff,
> you're right. I thought he meant NFS instead of NTFS.

Yeah - and those "NFA" file systems are even tougher than either
 NFS or NTFS. 

The NFA file system is a special security file system distributed
by the office of Homeland Security.  They can't be read or written.
"NFA" stands for "No Freakin' Access".  Aren't typos fun?

Jeff Kinz, Open-PC, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
copyright 2003.  Use is restricted. Any use is an 
acceptance of the offer at http://www.kinz.org/policy.html.

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