In a word, motherboard. I found & bought a 2nd-hand m'board yesterday,
which uses the same chipset (i430vx) as the previous m'board, and so
swapped all my cards..(cpu, ram..etc) to this and the strange mouse
related affliction stopping the downloads & stuff has disappeared...gone!!
Notwithstanding the fact that I could still probably debate an issue of
hardware intolerance (albeit rare and exceptional, considering only 3 of
the list community seem so afflicted), I find the facts...being it runs
the same version BIOS, and I did **NOT** reconfigure any system issues,
just swapped everything over 'as is' and started it...fairly conclusive.

   I can observe no other changes or differences otherwise with the
system's's exactly as it was, but without the mouse
related stoopidity. The only noticable exception to this, is the fact that
the BIOS on this board doesn't try to rewrite it's settings on
power-up/downs. unlike the other board which needs the reset held firmly
in whilst turning the ergs on & off to *avoid* it reseting the cmos. BTW,
hitting the old board up with the coldspray, turned up no interesting

This closes the issue for me, and might be a small pointer for others to; even in an experimental sense. If I get bored enough, I might
try doing something with the troubled BIOS of the old eprom, just to
isolate that polemical in my mind.

        Thanks to those who put in on this, it's been maddening but it
seems I'm not quite insane.



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