On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 18:47:24 -0600
 "Jim Hale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Mine DEFINITELY doesn't look like yours - and it points me in the
>direction that I think I need to go. I fought with it a bit this
>morning, but my syntax was WAY off.
>The card I'm using is a dual-head also (nVidia MMX440) so now I have
>something to try. :)

I was getting lockups for awhile on shutdown like you.  Matrox adviced me to
*not* use DRI with Xinerama.  I don't know if it has to do with Xinerama itself
or the beta, v0.21, Matrox Parhelia drivers.  

The rumor mill says that new Matrox drivers may be released Today.  Don't know
for sure but I am pretty sure they will be out within the next couple of weeks.
 Hopefully, Today!

                     ___     ____________
                <<<((__O\   (__<>___<>__ \   ____     Don't get rattled by
Steven Whatley         \ \_(__<>___<>__)\O\_/O___>-<  what I say.  It's just
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     \O__<>___<>___<>)\___/        my opinion.

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