When I run "find /var/lib/mysql -print | cpio -dumcv /home/mysql/db" it just
displays the cpio usage list?

Behalf Of Mark Lundy:

Nothing wrong with a link.
Shut down mysql service - service mysqld stop

mkdir /home/mysql/db
find /var/lib/mysql -print | cpio -dumcv /home/mysql/db
mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql.ORIG
ln -s /home/mysql/db /var/lib/mysql

restart mysql - service mysqld start


>System is running RedHat 7.3. Below is the structure of my partitions
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# df -h
>Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>/dev/sda6             372M   78M  275M  22% /
>/dev/sda1              45M  8.8M   34M  21% /boot
>/dev/sda5              20G  857M   18G   5% /home
>none                  251M     0  251M   0% /dev/shm
>/dev/sda2              45G  854M   41G   2% /usr
>/dev/sda7             251M  191M   46M  81% /var
>Unfortunately during the install I let the installer automatically
>for me. This machine is a web server with Apache 1.3.27 and MySQL 3.23.54.
>Currently all the web files reside in /home/www/ which has plenty of room.
>However the MySQL data is on /var which is quickly running out of space. Is
>there a way that I can take space for the /usr partition and use it on
>Or would it be easier (or my only option) to configure MySQL to store data
>on the /usr partition? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>Or maybe make a link?
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