Output of iptables -L:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

tftpd seems to be running ok:
root     20212  0.0  0.3  3544  632 tty1     S    07:50   0:00 grep tftpd

Logwatch email msg content:
---------------- Connections (secure-log) Begin -------------------

Service ftp: 1 Time(s) 3 Time(s)
Service tftp: 8092 Time(s) 24234 Time(s)
Service telnet: 1 Time(s)

**Unmatched Entries**
xinetd[1604]: FAIL: tftp connections per second from=
xinetd[1604]: FAIL: tftp connections per second from=
xinetd[1604]: FAIL: tftp connections per second from=
xinetd[1604]: FAIL: tftp connections per second from=
xinetd[21348]: FAIL: tftp connections per second from=
xinetd[21348]: FAIL: tftp connections per second from=

41.254 is the router I was trying to tftp from and 35.8 is my workstation 
where I was testing.


John-Paul Delaney wrote:
> Hello List...
> I'm having problems setting up a tftp server on my rh8.0 box.  I want to
> use it to backup cisco router configurations.
> I've created a file called startup-config in the tftpboot directory with
> chmod 777 and chown nobody:nobody.  The directory tftpboot is also 777,
> nobody:nobody.
>  From the router I try a "copy startup-config tftp", and input the ip
> address at the next prompt.  I then get the error:
>     %Error opening tftp:// (Undefined error)
> In /var/log/messages I find a long list of errors:
>     ..." in.tftpd[31383]: cannot bind to local socket:  Address already
> in use"
> The output of netstat -a | grep tftp is:
>     udp               0                  0   *:tftp
>             *:*
> Thanks - Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
> /j-p.

what is your firewall rule?  also is tftp running (ps auxw |
grep tftpd)
<<gyoo [at] attbi [dot] com>>

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