> To do what you want feed the messages into a named pipe that is
> processed by a script. 
I should create the script on syslogd client not on syslogd server, is it

> mkfifo /var/log/hostLogging
Could I use touch instead of mkfifo? What is the benefit by using mkfifo?

> To do what you want feed the messages into a named pipe that is
> processed by a script. 
Do you have a sample of MyHostLogScript?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Kinz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: syslogd

On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 09:52:21AM -0500, Hong Tian wrote:
> ............. My question is how to
> modify the syslog configuration file so that each log client can send its
> log data separately to the log server based on its host name.

You can't configure the normal syslog daemon to separate the messages
into separate files based on the hosts from which they were received. The
syslog facility allows separation and filtering based on the "facility"
and "severity".  Do a "man syslogd.conf" for more info

To do what you want feed the messages into a named pipe that is
processed by a script. 

To set this up  create a file that is a named pipe

mkfifo /var/log/hostLogging

In your rc.local system init script add a line that starts up the script
which reads from this pipe

MyHostLogScript < /var/log/hostLogging

    Add a line to /etc/syslog.conf like: 

*.*                             |/var/log/hostLogging

And create the script MyHostLogScript which reads the output of the pipe
and sends the output from each host to its own respective file.

Jeff Kinz, Open-PC, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
copyright 2003.  Use is restricted. Any use is an 
acceptance of the offer at http://www.kinz.org/policy.html.

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