On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 09:02:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:

> Sorry, I don't have time to debug your macro.  But an example of one I've
> got for SpamCop that works as follows:
>       1.  Strike the F12 key whenever you are on a piece of spam.  This
>           appends it to a file (in my case $HOME/.spam/foo)
>       2.  When you've accumulated enough spam to make it worthwhile to
>           send, run the 'spamsend' script, which breaks the accumulated
>           spam into separate attachments so SpamCop can process them.
> (I got tired of sending dozens of separate E-mails for each piece of spam.)
> The macro:
> macro index <f12> s/home/YOURLOGIN/.spam/foo^M "Save spam for later processing"

Thanks for your reply.

The suggestion earlier in the thread was just what I needed and what's more
was very simple to unserstand and implement.

But thanks anyway. I do appreciate the time that you took to try and help

Take care.


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