I had RH8 installed on a Asus VIA board w/ a 900 MHz Athlon.
CPU died.
I built a new box using an Asus A7N8X Deluxe and XP 2700+.

No more was I using the SoundBlaster Live, the VooDoo3, USB was now OHCI
opposed to UHCI, I didn't move the old NIC's over. Only thing that was
the same was the hard drive, cdrw drive, and PCI modem (rarely used -
only when broadband is down and I _must_ connect)

Everything went perfectly - the nics on the new board were not supported
by the default kernel. It detected they were removed.

Once I built the new kernel (which supported the 3com nic) kudzo
migrated the old eth0 settings on over - couldn't have been easier.
Ditto for eth0 once I installed nvidia's evil ;) kernel tainting closed
source nvnet driver. ( btw - please sign my petition at
http://petitiononline.com/nforce2/petition.html )

Only thing I had to manually do is have the i810_audio drive load in

Linux handles changing motherboard/cpu very well - especially with

You think an expensive commercial OS like Windows would be on par - but
apparently not ;)

I think it's more tricky when going from AMD to Intel (or vice versa) -
I think to do that, you'd need build a kernel that supports both before
changing. not positive though.

Also - you want to recompile mplayer after changing the cpu.

On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 08:42, Tony Preston wrote:
> RH 6.2 was a totally different story, it recognized the new stuff, forgot about
> the old stuff and booted normally (even recognized the change in video cards!).
> I was absolutely amazed (especially after the Win 98 experience....).
> I know this is like preaching to the choir, but I really was expecting a bit more
> than just rebooting to upgrade just about everything....:)

Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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