> >Hello.  I was looking through the docs on setting up named, but
> >I can't seem to find the info I am looking for.  I am trying to
> >setup named on my RH5.1 box for caching lookups (which is easy,
> >I just install that RPM), but I also want it to contain
> >information about my local network.  Since the local net is in
> >the 192.168.x.x range, I don't want any of that host
> >information to leak to the outside world.  Has anyone set this
> >up?  And if so, could you send me an example configuration to
> >do this?  Thanks for your time.
> Local information goes into your /etc/hosts file.  If there is a way to
> set up named so that external and internal lookups are separate, I don't
> know it.  As far as I know, the soul purpose of named is to supply info
> to the outside world.

/etc/hosts isn't an option because I have a mixed network of Linux, Win9x,
and DOS.  Since DOS won't use a hosts files, I have to setup named on the
Linux box so it can handle local net DNS requests, and still pass internet
DNS information to the DOS box.

// Chris Giard (a.k.a. Slyglif Cain)       | I find my life is a lot
// EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            | easier the lower I keep
// URL:   http://www.primenet.com/~slyglif | everyone's expectations.
// ICQ:   4481627                          |   --Calvin 1992

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