> > Hello.  I was looking through the docs on setting up named, but
> > I can't seem to find the info I am looking for.  I am trying to
> > setup named on my RH5.1 box for caching lookups (which is easy,
> > I just install that RPM), but I also want it to contain
> > information about my local network.  Since the local net is in
> > the 192.168.x.x range, I don't want any of that host information
> > to leak to the outside world.  Has anyone set this up?  And if
> > so, could you send me an example configuration to do this?
> > Thanks for your time.
> If your local net is under 192.168.x.x, then you must be connecting to
> the Internet indirectly, right?  Masquerading, maybe?  If that's the
> case, then you don't need to worry about propagating bad DNS info unless
> you accidentally pipe your internel nameserver's tables to some outer
> nameserver.

You are correct about the masquerading. :)

> Here's what we do: on our masq'ed net, we have two DNS servers -- both
> configured identically for the purpose of the present discussion.  Those
> servers list every machine on our internal net, which is
> They also each have a "forwarder" directive which points to a DNS server
> on the "real" net, but all that does is allow them to resolve addresses
> from other domains.
> So, all of the machines on our local net point to one of our internal
> DNS servers for name resolution.  If they need an 'internal' name
> resolved, it gets taken care of.  If they need an external name
> resolved, then the request is either fulfilled or forwarded onward to
> the outer DNS box, but either way no internal information is being
> passed beyond our internal net to the outside world; it only flows
> inward.
> Does this address your question?

This sounds like what I want to do, with the exception that instead of
forwarding, is it possible to act as a caching server?  Or would this
propage the local info if I do it?

> More info can be found in the Network Administrator's Guide, available
> from Sunsite and mirrored elsewhere.

I'm looking at it now trying to set it up. :)

// Chris Giard (a.k.a. Slyglif Cain)       | I find my life is a lot
// EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            | easier the lower I keep
// URL:   http://www.primenet.com/~slyglif | everyone's expectations.
// ICQ:   4481627                          |   --Calvin 1992

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