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On Friday 28 March 2003 01:58 pm, Douglas, Stuart wrote:
> Mike (all),
> Getting ready to try this out and I need some elaboration as I think
> I may have a problem.
> I'm currently running kernel 2.4.18-14 and have that kernel-source
> already installed.  I need to compile the driver from the newest
> kernel- source...can this be installed onto a system with an older
> kernel?

Yes, not a problem.

> If so, when using up2date to install a newer kernel, does the update
> take effect immediately or after a boot (perhaps a dumb question, but
> I'm from Windows-land where EVERYTHING takes a reboot).  I'm guessing
> a reboot is required.

Install the updated kernel and kernel-source, but don't reboot. You'll 
still be running the old kernel at this point. You can then build the 
module for the new kernel. Just define KERNELDIR=/usr/src/linux-2.4, 
rather than the method I provided earlier.

> If so, then I need to have the newer driver installed/loaded BEFORE
> the system, with the new kernel installed, is rebooted.  Are drivers
> typically backwards compatible, or are the kernel specific based on
> their compilation?

Hrmm, you need to LOAD the driver into the current kernel, before 

You'll need to build it twice, if that's the case. Build it once before 
upgrading the kernel-source package. Define 
KERNELDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build and build the modules. This will 
build the modules for the current kernel. Copy the modules to 
/lib/modules/{version}/someplace_reasonable. You should be able to get 
them loaded.

Then, install the updates, run 'make clean' redefine KERNELDIR to 
KERNELDIR=/usr/src/linux-2.4 in the Makefile (which should force them to 
build against the new kernel-source), and build them again. Copy the 
modules to /lib/modules/{new-version}/someplace_reasonable.

> Normally I'd just throw caution to the wind and try it, but I'd like to
> avoid having to rebuild this box from the beginning if possible.

Ouch, that shouldn't be required, I hope.

- -- 
- -Michael

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