Morgan Doocy wrote:
I recently installed RH 8.0 on a Compaq Deskpro 2000 5166MMX to use as a firewall/router/caching DNS server, and I'm having difficulty getting it to wake up when it's needed.

I'm not sure how sophisticated the power management is on this machine (I know very little about it, and HP/Compaq's support site gives me little useful information), but it appears as though it is going through a sleep/suspend/hibernate sequence when it's not being used.

This is, of course, completely natural -- but every time it does so, I have to physically go over and hit 'Enter' to wake it up for it to respond to DHCP requests, DNS requests, or simple web browsing from an internal machine.

I'd love for it to be able to sleep and still wake up when it receives a request -- but I can't find any software that will allow me to control its power management settings. I looked at apm and apmd, but from what I could tell they're basically software interfaces that allow you to do stuff when certain power events occur -- not actually change power management settings.

I had a look at hdparm, which told me that my disk is set to spin down after its vendor-specified default amount of time. I know I can change this, but I feel like this would be a partial fix -- it seems as though I need to limit the "depth" of sleep the machine goes into, not just the drive.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much,


You need to download the Compac Setup software for that machine and shutdown the Power Management function.

I've used that bow for a firewall and it works just fine.

Good luck

john k

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