On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Sergio Enrique Schvezov wrote:

> I'm using RedHat 8.0, have and nforce chipset. Whenever I logging
> (through gdm) as user A, this user somehow locks the sound device to all
> other users, how can I unlock it so that when user for example stops

This is Red Hat being "helpful." /etc/security/console.perms and
/etc/security/console.apps control permissions on various devices and
programs. You may need to edit one or both of these files, since they are 
designed for out-of-the-box single-user console sessions.

> Also a bugging thing is when i do a "startx -- :1" the screen doesn't
> display

Try startx without specifying a screen, or by specifying a specific 
virtual terminal. Usually, VT7 is mapped to :0, but if you're doing 
something weird, you might get weird results.

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