On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 09:50:36PM -0800, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> T. Ribbrock wrote:
> >
> >ITYM: "It will *not* be the RH we are accustomed to." Less emphasis on
> >stability, no point releases - that's definitely not the RH I'm
> >accustomed to...
> Who said that there will be less emphasis on stability?  Red Hat Linux 
> hasn't become a semi-annual printing of Rawhide...

No. But in the past, the x.0 releases have *never* reached the same
stability level as the later x.2 releases. By scrapping the point
releases and putting more emphasis on "bring new features sooner", one
can expect that stability will suffer. Especially, as I do not expect
RH's Q&A to put as much effort in the "free" version as they do into
the Enterprise version. They never managed to get the x.0 releases
"right" (i.e. to what the point releases were) on first try, they
won't manage to do so now.


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                Thomas Ribbrock    http://www.ribbrock.org 
  "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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