On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Cliff Wells wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 09:29, Daniel Sheltraw wrote:
> >
> > The reason for my initial question about the GCC 3.2 compiler and
> > a compiler fit for kernel work is that a remembered the problem
> > with GCC 2.96. I am patching a 2.4.20 kernel with the RTAI
> > real-time executive patch. The latest RTAI patch says in a README
> > file that the GCC 3.2 compiler gives lots of scarey warnings
> > when used to do the compile and I would rather avoid this problem
> > despite the fact that the build is reported to work. So, recalling
> > that in the Redhat 7.2 there was another compiler besides the
> > 2.96, I was wondering if RedHat 8.0 contains a 2.95.3 compiler
> > somewhere which can be installed. My understanding is that 2.95
> > is still the "official" compiler for kernel work.
> Isn't there a compat-gcc package on one of your CD's?  That would be
> 'kgcc' although it's now invoked as 'gcc296' for some strange reason
> <wink>.

Doesn't solve his problem, if he wants to avoid 2.96...

If you must have 2.95.3 (or any version of the compiler that doesn't come
as an RPM *designed to live peacefully with the stock comiler*), the best
strategy is to grab the tarballs from gcc.gnu.org and install them in
/usr/local.  I generally recommend linking statically when compiling with
non-standard compilers and libraries, but that's probably just because I
haven't bothered to learn all the incantations to make dynamic libs play
nicely together.  I don't know what the implications are of having
multiple dynamic glibc versions and building kernels with them.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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