On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 21:32, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > I've started puttting out WinXP boxes on my network - not through choice, 
> > however I've got a problem with them.
> > 
> > If I have mapped network drives onto another M$ box everything is fine.
> > 
> > If I have mapped network drives onto a Samba service (RH7.3+errata) the drives 
> > don't connect, and show in 'My Computer' but with red 'X' agains them.  
> > Double clicking on them then re-connects, but sometimes a password is 
> > requested first.
> > 
> > Although I think it's a WinXP problem, I was wondering if any Samba users out 
> > there know how to fix it.
> I noticed you aven't gotten a reply on this yet.
> My personal experience is that Windows XP PROFESSIONAL (you don't 
> mention which on you are using) does this SOMETIMES, not all the time. 
> (The red X thing I mean). However I've never been asked to re-verify my 
> password when clicking on them, they just re-connect.
> I've always just put it down to 'one of those Gates things'.
> Regards,
> Ed.
The only way to get it work is making the SAMBA server as a PDC of your
network, and join the Windows XP boxes to the domain.

If you "don't want" to set up the samba server as a domain controller,
set up the security level to "share" in smb.conf.

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