I tried the ps -aux.  It was really easy when I didn't have much of
anything running to keep up with it, but none of the programs would show
any increase in memory as time passed.  What's more, especially after
running X, I would notice that not very much memory is freed up. Btw, I
use startx.  Check 'free' before running X and again afterwards, best if
done after a clean boot.  Same number of processes, but more memory not

What I really need is a better memory utility.  Like the first post I
made here, even if you add the columns in ps and top, they won't add up
to the total that they report as being used.


On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 18:51, Ted Cook wrote:
> Skip,
> You should be able to determine what process is causing the problem by 
> using 'ps -aux' to track the memory usage of the processes. As the day 
> goes by, the memory used by the offending process should grow.
> -Ted
> > Subject: Re: ps, top and free From: Skip Morrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED] Organization: Date: 05 Jun 2003 18:02:46 -0400 Reply-To: [EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED] On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 17:26, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> > 
> >>> Skip Morrow wrote:
> >>
> >>>> > Quick and dirty: Why don't the memory usages reported for each program
> >>>> > from 'ps -aux' and/or 'top' (even after pressing the "H") add up to the
> >>>> > totals as being reported by 'top' and/or 'free'?  Try it and you'll see
> >>>> > what I mean.
> >>
> >>> 
> >>> Variety of reasons:
> >>> 
> >>> Some processes share memory.  Different instances of the same program 
> >>> will share code pages.  Different programs entirely will share code 
> >>> pages when they use the same libraries.  Multi-threaded programs will 
> >>> share both code and data pages.  This sharing makes the sum of the 
> >>> memory sizes too big.
> >>> 
> >>> The X server will mmap your video card's memory, so its size appears 
> >>> considerably bigger than it really is.
> >>> 
> >>> You may also be looking at the wrong piece of output from 'free' or 
> >>> 'top', entirely.  The "total" memory use reported by 'free' includes 
> >>> application memory use as well as disk buffers and cache.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> > 
> > 
> > Well, here's the problem (I should probably start a new thread for this,
> > because it may turn out to be very eye-opening)
> > 
> > I had noticed that I didn't have much free memory a few days ago (I had
> > 384M RAM installed) so I went and bought another 256 and installed it
> > (totalling 640M)  Restarted the computer and saw that I was only using
> > 20% of the RAM.  But after a few hours, I noticed that the little gnome
> > bar graph was getting pretty high, so I rechecked and it was up to 85%. 
> > And a few hours later, it was over 95% and I had started using swap
> > space.  So I thought "memory leak".  I started shutting down everything
> > I could, rebooted a lot, and still find that no matter what I do, the
> > computer slowly eats up more and more RAM (10-20 megs per hour).  I even
> > turned off every service, rebooted (less than 30 total processes
> > running) and still had the RAM slowly getting used up.  I tried it with
> > kernel 2.4.20-18.9 (the newest, and the other kernels that have been
> > released since RH9.0 came out.  As it is now, I am rebooting once or
> > twice a day to keep the RAM usage down, which is mildly inconvenient :(
> > 
> > Anyone have any ideas here?
> > 
> > Skip
> > 
> -- 
> Ted Cook              
> http://www.wildopensource.com

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