I will post the output from free later.  I rebooted recently, so the
usage is not quite up there yet.  However, I think that your free output
is rather alarming too.  You should not have 500 megs used, unless you
are say, running a server with many, many concurrent connections.  You
are allready using swap space too.  Reboot your computer and see how
much memory is used right away.  As for the caches, I thought that those
were referring to the CPU caches.  If the numbers refer to bytes (vice
kilobytes), mine totals to 640K.  If the are KB, then maybe you are on
to something.  Fwiw, the man page isn't very clear on it.

Thanks for replying though.  Know of any good linux memory tools out


On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 18:28, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> Skip Morrow wrote:
> > 
> > I had noticed that I didn't have much free memory a few days ago (I had
> > 384M RAM installed) so I went and bought another 256 and installed it
> > (totalling 640M)  Restarted the computer and saw that I was only using
> > 20% of the RAM.  But after a few hours, I noticed that the little gnome
> > bar graph was getting pretty high, so I rechecked and it was up to 85%. 
> ...
>  > Here's the SHIFT-SCRLK output
> That output isn't terribly useful in this case...  just 'free' is fine:
> $ free
>               total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:        513784     501956      11828          0      96656     249480
> -/+ buffers/cache:     155820     357964
> Swap:      1044216      16108    1028108
> That's the output from my machine.  As you can see, I have 512MB
> installed, and 500MB are used.  However, of that 500, only 155MB
> are used by applications (see the second line).  All the rest of
> the memory used is used for disk buffers and cache.  When memory
> is needed, cache can be reclaimed immediately; disk buffers will
> only need to be written to the disk.  None of that will use swap
> space.

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