> > but on a redhat maillist, it's more like a SPAM !
> No. It's nowhere near spam. In this particular case, it was not very
> helpful, as it was obvious that the person was looking for a RH
> related answer (as opposed to a generic answer), so I agree that folks
> need to check when it's useful and when it isn't.
> However, the original poster has quite obviously not bothered to do
> even minimal research on his own (like reading the Installation Guide,
> for example), which is just plain *rude* when asking on this list.
> I've said it before and I'll say it again: This list is NOT a paid-for
> helpdesk! Asking basic questions over and over again that can be
> solved with minimal effort (even by newbies - been there, done that,
> got told to RTFM) will serve only one purpose: Drive away the
> experienced folks who make this list so valuable.
> So, folks: PLEASE do your homework before coming here. Reading the
> user guides that RH provides is not asking too much. I for one also
> have a link to a working list archive in my sig - it should be used,
> as many questions have been asked (and answered!) before. And keep an
> eye out for the FAQ that some helpful people are working on! :-)
> By doing your homework, you'll save yourself time (you don't have to
> wait for an answer from the list), you'll learn something and you keep
> the resources of all the helpful people on this list free for the
> really difficult questions. Of course, if you read some documentation
> but have problems understanding it, asking for help with *that* on
> this list is ok as well - most people will be happy to try and explain
> things.
> Cheerio,
> Thomas
> -- 
> ==> RH List Archive: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=redhat-list&r=1&w=2 <==
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Thomas Ribbrock    http://www.ribbrock.org
>   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

Um, er, I just got this computer from a friend and gee, could you help
me turn it on, Thomas? :-P 

Ducking and running very fast.

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