Try adding "insecure" to the lines in 
        /etc/exports, such as:

                /Admin                  (insecure)

        We had to do that here, so that our BSD
        machines could use their default nfs port.

     //\     --rich
    //  \    
   // /  \   Richard Mann -- Network Administrator
  // / /  \  P u b l i c a t i o n  S e r v i c e s,  I n c. 
  \\  / / /  Champaign, Illinois, USA 61821 (217) 398-2060 x22
   \\  / /   
    \\  /    

On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Paul M Dunphy wrote:

>  -- This is a re-post because I only got one reply.  It was suggested that
> I use Samba instead of NFS mounts.  I agree Samba is easier, but for 
> educational purposes, I need to determine if I can get NFS mounts to 

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