At 08:47 AM 4/15/98 +0300, you wrote:
>Hello Paul,
>your output from rpcinfo does´nt show the "pcnfsd" daemon !!
>here my output on a RedHat 5.0 Box:
>   program vers proto   port
>    100000    2   tcp    111  rpcbind
>    100000    2   udp    111  rpcbind
>    100005    1   udp    635  mountd
>    100005    2   udp    635  mountd
>    100005    1   tcp    635  mountd
>    100005    2   tcp    635  mountd
>    100003    2   udp   2049  nfs
>    100003    2   tcp   2049  nfs
>    300019    1   udp    939  amd
>    150001    1   udp    957  pcnfsd
>    150001    2   udp    957  pcnfsd
>    150001    1   tcp    960  pcnfsd
>    150001    2   tcp    960  pcnfsd
>make sure that the "rpc.pcnfsd" are running !!!
>Hope this helps,
>Wolfgang Brungert

    I think you've got it, Wolfgang!  That's exactly the error NT gives:

"An error occurred in the network provider Interdrive NT.  1208: The 
PCNFSD is not accessable on the remote server.  Contact your system 
administrator (or try logging in as user name NOBODY.)"

    I can't find rpc.pcnfsd anywhere on my system, nor can I find it on the
CD.  Went to RedHat's web page and searched for 'rpc.pcnfsd', 'pcnfsd',
etc. and I can't find it there either.  Where did you get it?  It's simply
not there under /usr/sbin with all the others like rpc.mountd, rpc.nfs,
rpc.bootparamd, etc.  I did a full install of everything and I don't know
where else to look.  If this is a fairly small file like rpc.mountd or
rpc.nfs (30-50K), could you send it to me as an E-mail attachment?  Or,
better yet, tell me where to find it (and how to install it?)  I'm an old
timer with computers (24 years at it!) but new to Unix and newer to Linux
(RH 5.0)  I'm just starting out with this so please forgive me if I ask
simple questions.  I know NT inside out, but when it comes to Unix, I'm
still on the steep learning curve.

Regards, Paul

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