I am trying to set up a PPP server that will allow windows 3.1 users,
using Trumpet, PPP access. I found a doc on sunsite on configuring a PPP
server and followed the directions. I can call up, logon, and establish
the PPP connection, but the windows 3.1 machine can't "see" past the PPP
server. I can ping the PPP server, and the PPP server can ping the
windows 3.1 machine, but the windows 3.1 machine can't ping anything
else. None of the other machines on the network can ping the windows 3.1
machine either. The ip address that Trumpet see's is correct, as well as
the netmask, gateway, etc.

It seems like it is a routing problem. I have tried the proxyarp
parameter with pppd, to no avail. Currently pppd is being executed with
the following parameters:
pppd -detach silent modem crtscts debug

The options file has this in it:
asyncmap 0

There aren't any errors in the messages file when the windows 3.1
machine logs on, and communications between the PPP server and the
windows 3.1 machine works great. It's just that the windows 3.1 machine,
can't get to any other ip's.

Can anyone offer some help?

Paul Breedlove

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