> Any ideas on how to log a ping to my machine
> in the logs, say /var/log/messages ?

Use ipfwadm to do this.  This assumes you have firewalling compiled in the

ipfwadm -I -a a -P icmp -S 0/0 -D mymachine 8 -W ppp0 -o

The "8" represents ECHO_REQUEST or you can leave it out to log all ICMP
messages.  "mymachine" should be substituted with the hostname of your
machine.  The "0/0" represents any host trying to ping your machine.  The
"-o" is to enable logging.

The "-I" is for input, and "-a a" is to accept these messages, and
append on to the end of your existing (if any) list of fw rules.

"-P icmp" specifies this rule is for the ICMP protocol specifically.


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