>>>>> "SC" == Steve Cowles <Cowles> writes:

   >> 2) On the backup up mail server, configure sendmail.mc to 
   >> uncomment the line containing "FEATURE(`relay_based_on_MX')dnl".

   SC> The relay_based_on_MX feature is not needed. 

But would it work?  I guess I am now confused as to what that feature does.

   SC> 1) Add an entry to your mailertable file:

   SC> mydomain.com     esmtp:[ip of primary mail server]

'mydomain.com' would be the domain for which this box will be a relay,
correct?  'ip of primary mail server' would be the box that handles the
domain normally, correct?  Can it a dns name instead of its IP address?

   SC> 2) Then add mydomain.com to /etc/mail/relay-domains.

   SC> Whatever you do... do NOT add mydomain.com to /etc/mail/local-host-names.

   SC> 3) Rebuild the mailertable database and then restart sendmail


   SC> FWIW: There is a second option (this is what I do). Use the DSMTP
   SC> mailer.

Is 'dsmpt' part of the standard sendmail package?  Or is this an alternate
package?  If I use esmtp per your first suggestion, how it function if the
primary sendmail is down?  You imply that only dsmtp will queue.

Thanks for the detailed help!

Jake Colman                     

Principia Partners LLC                  Phone: (201) 209-2467
Harborside Financial Center               Fax: (201) 946-0320
902 Plaza Two                          E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jersey City, NJ 07311                  www.principiapartners.com

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