On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 09:04, Beast wrote:
> > If the masses are happy with MacOS / MS Windows, why should they switch
> > to Linux?
> because of license cost?

I was talking about home users. But:

The company must have researched and decided that productivity will be
much higher with linux than it was with commercial MS Windows? Otherwise
there is no sense in making the change and put money in the time that
people will have to spend in learning linux: If after the change they
are less productive, then the company has shot themselves in their own

If the productivity is higher, then the company is happy. And they
really couldn't care less if the user likes the colour of her machine or

> I'm still thinking will light WM (such as windowmaker, fvwm or even
> twm) will help them (arround 200-300 of them are still p233/128MB RAM)
> *if* they have to run evolution, openoffice, mozilla and oracle
> client??
> Any advice to improve perfomance? (surely i can not drop the gui
> thing)

I have ran Linux + OpenOffice on a 333HMz Celeron with 128M with no
probs under Blackbox. With Gnome, I wouldn't even think about it.

Are you saying you ran Outlook, MS Office XP, IE and Oracle client the
same time happily on a Win98 with a Pentium 233MHz? You seriously have
some tweaked hardware there, because watching even MS Office start at my
mom's computer (it's a 533MHz Celeron with a fast harddisk, Win98SE, an
IBM Aptiva) is really painful.

The newest Office applications are not designed to run with old hardware
IMHO. They (be it OpenOffice or MS Office) are as bloated pigs as Gnome
or KDE are.

Peter Peltonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fivetec Solutions Oy

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