Yes, naturally I've tried all options of rm as documented in rm --help and man rm.
Also true of rmdir.

Yes I want to remove it because during the boot process I'm told there are bad characters in the file name.
The two rogue files was originally here:

Obviously that's not right. Seti is a application data directory for my command line seti app.

/dev/log and /var/loc are pretending to be dirctories but they're not. I can't remove them as files or directories, but at boot time the system tells me they're bad file names and won't let the boot continue. When I go in to a diagnostic shell (and remount the root directory as RW, of course) I cannot delete them.

Again, rm and rmdir are trying to be too smart. I think I need a low level utility that will allow me to remove the entries without trying to be smart and protecting me from myself, but I don't know of any such thing. Any more clues, anyone? I'm down for over 12 hours now.


At 10:58 AM 6/29/03, you wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 29 June 2003 10:28 am, Julian Opificius wrote:
> Thanks Fred, but as I said, rm doesn't work - even with the -f switch
> and escaping the forward slash(es).
> I don't think the C code will work - isn't that just what rm tries to
> do?
> If I do a rm -f "/dev/log"  it just ignores me.
> If I do a rm -f -d "/dev/log" it ignores me.
> If I go one level higher, and do the  same on the directory holding the
> offending "files":
> rm -f -d setiold  it tells me it can't delete setiold as it's a
> directory. Yes I know it's a directory, that's why I said -d but it
> still ignores me.

I haven't really followed this thread...

Are you sure you want to remove /dev/log?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] slinky]$ file /dev/log
/dev/log: socket
[EMAIL PROTECTED] slinky]$ ll /dev/log
srw-rw-rw-    1 root     root            0 Jun  4 19:51 /dev/log

> I've tried rmdir, but that won't work either - it tells me the
> directory isn't empty. If I use the --ignore-fail-on-non-empty switch
> it ignores me.

How about rm -rf directory? (remove, recursively, the directory and it's
contents, without prompting

- --
- -Michael

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