The mysql mailing list is:

You have to first sign up at the mysql site (I think)

This is an excellent c programming board.  Several very good programmers
there.  I'm sure that one of these two can help you.

My hunch is that, as your search suggested, your `' is
not in the correct place for use by the C API.  

But I'm really don't recall the exact fix well enough to do anything but
confuse both of us.

Good luck


On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 12:43, Ricardo Striquer Soares wrote:
> Hi there ..
> I just copy-past the test program at the chapter 9 (MySQL APIs the
> test_libmysqld.c) and have the "undefined reference to
> mysql_server_init" error at that, no problem, i added the declaration at
> the program itself, but it still don't work, sometimes is "undefined
> reference" other times is "implicit declaration of function" and
> sometimes is something like "undeclared function".
> I search the MySQL site about "undefined reference" and find an
> explanation of the problem ...
> The fix for this is to tell your system to search after shared libraries
> where the library is located by one of the following methods: 
> - Add the path to the directory where you have `' the
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. 
> - Add the path to the directory where you have `' the
> LD_LIBRARY environment variable. 
> - Copy `' to some place that is searched by your
> system, like `/lib', and update the shared library information by
> executing ldconfig. 
> Another way to solve this problem is to link your program statically,
> with -static, or by removing the dynamic MySQL libraries before linking
> your code. In the second case you should be sure that no other programs
> are using the dynamic libraries! 
> I exported, i copied, i ldconfig bot not seams to work at all. I don't
> want to use a preprocessor like prec of Just Logic, but if it doesn't
> have any other choice them I'll try the MySQL++ so. Can anybody help me,
> or tell me about an mail list or forum about MySQL with C/C++.
> Thanks.

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