The short version: The computer froze twice in a few hours, due to hard disk problem as I think. Anyway to recover it to normal or I have to change it and reinstall system? I am using RH 7.3 and ext3. Thanks

The long one:

The computer basically suddenly forze, so i had to reboot. Then it froze at "kernal panic: no init found"
I was in a panic for one second, this time a bit futher, froze when checking /dev/hda, stopped at "recovering journal". Anyway, after trying a few times, i was able to pull it back, even though
I heard strang squeeking sound from the disk a couple of times.

Knowing the disk is in danger, I started to back up important data. But it suddenly froze again. In short, again i rebooted it few times before getting it back. It's almost the same steps as the frist crash, except it once halted at "Starting Xinetd".

I think it's harddisk problem for sure, but not sure what reason exactly. Is it possible of bad sectors? Anyway to mark these sectors as dos and still run it safely? Or i need to change a harddisk without doubt. BTW, i have two disks in the computer. The system disk is faulty. /boot section seems fine.

Here is the newest error log when I was transfering some data for backup. I didn't even log in after it's rebooted. I am just using ftp to transfer data:
hda: timeout waiting for DMA
ide_dmaproc: chipset supported ide_dma_timeout func only: 14
blk: queue c03d0e84, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask oxffffffff)
hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
hdb: DMA disabled
hda: drive not ready for command
ide0: reset: success
Thanks again if you read to the end, :p

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