On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 10:26, Cowles, Steve wrote:
> pnelson wrote:
> > RH 9
> > cyrus 2.1.13
> > sasl 2.1.13
> > sendmail 8,12,8
> > spamassassin 2.44
> > 
> > Have tried the milter app spamass-milter but it wont compile saying
> > that libmilter isn't installed.  Still lost... Isn't milter part of
> > the RH sendmail 8.12.8?  If so what am I doing wrong or any other
> > suggestions would be great. 
> SA-milter works fine. I have been using this milter for quite some time.
> There is a nice trick to getting all these apps to play together though.
> 1) Install the sendmail-devel RPM. That loads the libmilter stuff. I know..
> it bit me too.
> 2) Download the latest spamassassin "source" rpm (not tarball) If I remember
> correctly, I had to download the perl-Mail... rpm from the same download
> site also.
> 3) Download the latest spamass-milter "source" RPM. (not tarball)
> 4) Type: rpmbuild --rebuild spamassassin-<rev>.src.rpm
> 5) Type: rpmbuild --rebuild spamass-milter-<rev>.src.rpm
> 6) Now cd to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 and install the newly created rpm's
>   rpm -i spamassass....
>   rpm -i spamass-milter....
>   etc...
> 7) Configure spamassassin to your liking using spamassassin -t and then
> start spamd.
> 8) Configure spamass-milter command line options in the init script and then
> start spamass-milter.
> 9) Add the following to line to sendmail.mc to call the milter...
> INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`spamassassin', `S=local:/var/run/spamass.sock, F=,
> T=C:15m;S:4m;R:4m;E:10m')
> 10) Recreate your sendmail.cf file (backup the original first)
>   m4 sendmail.mc >sendmail.cf
> 11) Restart sendmail
> 12) Now comes the fun part :-) test by sending an e-mail through your MTA.
> I can't help with the other part of your post. In my setup I frontend an
> exchange server using sendmail/sa-milter/spamassassin. I have SA/SA-milter
> configured to just add the X-Spam-Status: yes/no header to all e-mails. The
> outlook clients add a single rule to test for the X-Spam-Status: yes header
> entry and (if found) move to deleted items folder.

found the spamassassin src rpm but I didn't find any spamass-milter src
rpm so I'm just going to try and build it... unless there is a source
you know about?

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