Well, if you are worried about annoying the entire list, don't worry about me.  I for 
one would rather have the reply to 
a question I posted answered right up front instead of having to wade through the muck 
and the mire of anywhere from 1 
to 5 message I've already read at least twice.  Actually, to tell the truth, 
bottom-posting is actually what annoys me.  
To have to scroll past all that stuff I've already read 3, 4, or even 5 times is just 
a major inconvenience, at least 
for me.  Personally, I prefer one of three things: either in-line posting, but keep 
the snips brief, top-posting, where 
I can see on the first screen of the message that pops up in my mail client what the 
answer to my question was, or just 
simply not including previous messages in the replies at all and just making the 
answer clear enough that I don't have 
to even look back at previous messages that I already read.  Plus, bottom-posting may 
actually be a serious annoyance to 
blind and visually impaired people who rely on braille or speech, which some of us on 
this list may possibly be, as they 
do have to reread the message each time, because with speech and braille, there really 
is no fast scrolling option, so 
in order to find the answer to a question burried under miles of previously read 
messages can be a real pain.
Just my 2 cents.
Lorenzo Prince
happy Red Hat 9 user :)
Linux: Because a PC is a terrible thing to waste.
(By [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mark Komarinski)

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