On Thursday 17 July 2003 02:51 pm, Lee Flier wrote:
> Robert Day's post about the latest Microsoft snafu brings up a question.
> Now that Red Hat and other distros contain a lot of tools to make
> installation, upgrades and other stuff easy for newbies/desktop users
> (which is all to the good in helping Linux replace M$), what is being
> done to prevent Microsoft-like domination of the Linux desktop?  For
> example (I haven't yet perused any of the source code since obtaining
> RH), is the source included for the alert notification and up2date
> programs and has it been scrutinized for security/privacy holes?  A lot
> of clients and friends are worried about M$'s ability to spy on them
> and/or the government's ability to force M$ to use their spy technology
> to snoop on people's personal or corporate computers.  Is this a current
> or eventual worry for desktop users who receive regular updates from
> their chosen distributor, and is there a web site or list where these
> issues are discussed (if it's been discussed here, so much the better)?
Well, you can always use one of the other replacements for this, such as 
apt4RPM, or YUM or something like that... Someone even wrote a nice GUI 
interface to APT to make it easier -- it's called Synaptic. So, you're not 
limited by the tools made available by your distro, you can (at least with 
RPM-based distros) always use a different updater util... not to say that 
Apt/Synaptic is 100% compatible with up2date, because it's not... but it's 
close enough that if you don't try to go back and forth with them, it should 
work fine for you.

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