On Sat, 18 Apr 1998, Jon wrote:

> TOPIC #2:
> Recently someone questioned me when I spoke to
> them about Linux in general as a wonderful 
> alternative to MS's Windoze operating environments.
> I mentioned how Linus is in charge of the kernel
> and code freezes on it, and how public domain
> contributes to Linux.  I was asked who then would
> carry on if something happened to Linus - who would
> pick up the kernel and similar important central
> functions???? Anyone know???

        Linus put contingancy plans in for this very reason.  It's all
pretty planed out, as I understand it.

> TOPIC #3:
> Is REDHAT looking into and have any idea on Linux
> and the 64-bit Intel chip due out in 1999 ??? Also,
> what about multi-processor??? Any insight/forsight?

        64-bit: probably already working on it.  about multi-processor:
already done.
"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
                -- Andrew Jackson

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