It could be your mp3 player.  Perhaps the others are preloading to remove
skips and your Linux one isn't?


On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:

> Okay, something has to be wrong with the way I'm doing it.  On this same RH
> 8.0 desktop machine I have Win4Lin installed.  I just started it up and
> opened up Explorer.  Found my Linux server in the network neighborhood and
> double-clicked on an MP3 file.  This brought up FreeAmp, a known resource hog
> and played the song just fine.  All this with Mozilla and Kmail running in
> Gnome at the same time.  Can't be a resource problem, has to be the way I'm
> mounting the Samba share in Linux I think.  Anyone out there use this kind of
> setup to play MP3s in Gnome or KDE from a Linux server?  If so I'd like to
> get an idea of how you word your smbmount command.  Thanks for listening...
> Just a message from Doug...
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